Wednesday, November 25, 2009

White House Deputy CTO Andrew McLaughlin has his say.

From Gizmodo:
"McLaughlin, a major supporter of net neutrality rules, made the comment in a telecom law conference last Thursday by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln law school. "

To play devil's advocate, I'm siding with telcoms. If we get right down to it, people are dumb. An overwhelming majority of Americans don't know or care about what net neutrality is, and frankly they shouldn't. They needn't be overly concerned with spectrum allotment or any other technical specification that there's debate over. Unfortunately, for net neutrality, many that shouldn't be concerned are. When the public gets involved with things that they don't understand, it gets ugly real fast.

Nevertheless, when Glenn Beck tried to call proponents of net neutrality Marxists and Communists for, interestingly, the very same "controlling content" crap this statement vaguely implies, he was a moron and a fear-monger.

Sorry, but as ridiculous as I think the telcos are for trying to defend their overly-controlling has to go both ways. They're not communists, they're not dictators. They're simply misguided, trying to take whatever shortcut they can get.

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