Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Article: "Creator of Palm Pre commercials puts pipe down long enough to defend his work."

I'm not the only one creeped out by the aforementioned commercial. Apparently, everyone is too. But here is the other side of that story.

Gary Koepke is the co-founder of Modernista, the agency behind the ads, and he recently defended his work in an interview with AdAge:

We weren’t trying to creep people out, but one thing I have learned now in this digital age is people can be as rude as they want as long as they don’t have to look you in the face. The Pre is probably being talked about more than other phones right now because of the marketing and advertising, and that’s a good thing. Could the ads work harder to show exactly how the phone works? Yes, but we knew it would be polarizing people to have a woman not shout at them and tell an interesting story.

It’s a very different look and feel for this sector. There’s nobody involved in an iPhone ad, and ‘Your life is on BlackBerry’ — isn’t that great? Instead of having a life? We wanted a middle ground between those two places — what about the people who want a really great smartphone?

Okay, his ads didn't go over well so this egocentric hothead is going to think other-wise. Palm Pre is being talked about? Yes it is. Because its a serious competitor to the iPhone and NOT because of the awful ad campaign. His ads did not create any more awareness about the product than there all ready way. And to top it off, he insults the consumer by calling them rude. This guy has no foresight or sight for that matter.

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