Thursday, November 26, 2009

HP Touch Smart

HP TouchSmart is a series of tablet PC laptops and touchscreen all-in-one desktop computers designed by HP.

Touch screens. I don't like them, and I think ever will. Touch screen seems to be the next logical advancement of screens, but in actuality it isn't or at least shouldn't. Users have been raised on keyboards. This isnt simply limited to computers but also typewriters. Keyboards are tactile. A button is actually pressed to display information. Touch screens lack that feel. This invokes a different sensation of the user. From a usability standpoint, a touchscreen needs to revolutionize the way we type if it wants to introduce a new peripheral. Think of the iPod touch/scroll wheel. It has never been seen before, but it was widely accepted because exactly that: it was never seen before and it revolutionized the handheld. So far, touch screens emulate keyboard. BIG MISTAKE. Touch screens will never enter the realm of the keyboard. To be successful, its needs to be its own new thing.
I also heard people dissatisfaction with touch screens because their arms get tired. Stop being lazy is what I say. Move more. Touch screens are not asking you give up your sedentary lifestyle. All it is asking is to move your hand a little bit.

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