Thursday, November 26, 2009

Chrome OS

"New Google Inc software will start up a computer as fast as a television can be turned on, the search company said on Thursday as it showed off its Chrome operating system designed for PCs that do their work on the Web."

Needless to say, I'm excited. I'm a big Google fan. I find their free products are very useful and to see them venture in the domain of Microsoft and Apple is quite invigorating. Well, this isn't a David and Goliath type situation unless David was just as tall as Goliath then maybe, but still this is unchartered waters for Google.
The reason for being adventurous was pointed out in the article: Google Chrome OS is more web-oriented and "MORE WEB USE DRIVES MORE GOOGLE ADS".
The only problem I forsee for Google was the recent release of Snow Leopard and Windows 7. If consumers just dropped upwards of $200 for a new OS they may less likely to switch again albeit to a free OS.
With problems ahead, I admire Google taking proactive steps to expanding itself versus remaining complacent.

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