Thursday, November 26, 2009
DIY laptop stands

Wireless Energy Transfer
HP Touch Smart
HP TouchSmart is a series of tablet PC laptops and touchscreen all-in-one desktop computers designed by HP.
Augmented reality
City of the future

Steam punk
Secret Knock detector
Interpol - Heinrich Maneuver

“Photoshop manipulation is the process of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception, through digital means.”
Personally, I consider Photoshop Manipulation to be the best art form of the digital age. If executed well, Photoshop gives amazingly powerful results and can be a lot of fun at the same time. Photoshop art does not discriminate. Photoshop skill can be learned. Artistic talent cannot. This of course comes makes digital art less valuable then let's say a traditional painting. There is a degree of talent involved with Photoshop, but that more deals with the overall design.
Print Ads

Print adverts need to get a message across with a single image and without the recourse of interactivity that we find today on the Internet.
As interactive media expands, attention spans are getting shorter and shorter every day.
For any company trying to get their product or service out in print format, the task is ever more challenging and difficult.
Humorous ads remain one of the few effective ways to engage an audience in a very saturated advertising market. This is an area where the audience is far more receptive and still willing to pay attention.
The future of the internet
The History of the Internet in a Nutshell
Video: Emerging City Innovation
Ad fight
Chrome OS
Automatic Captions on YT
1080p and 720p YouTube
LED Tattoos Could Make Your Skin a Screen
Wall-E in Real Life: Euro-Trashbot Cleans up Italian Streets

Twitter launching paid business accounts
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Apple "refuses to repair smokers' Macs"
Wikipedia launch among top Internet moments
-- Craigslist, the free classifieds site, expands outside San Francisco in 2000, impacting newspaper publishers everywhere
-- Google AdWords launched in 2000 allowing advertisers to target their customers with laser-sharp precision
-- Wikipedia, the free open-source encyclopedia, launches in 2001 and today boasts more than 14 million articles in 271 different languages and bringing strangers together on projects
-- Napster shutdown in 2001, opening the file-sharing floodgates
-- Google's IPO in 2004 put the search engine on the path to powering countless aspects of our everyday lives
-- Online video revolution in 2006 that led to a boom in homemade and professional content on the Internet and helped reshape everything from pop culture to politics
-- Facebook opens to non-college students and Twitter takes off in 2006
-- The iPhone debuts in 2007 and smartphones go from a luxury item to a necessity with an app for just about every aspect of modern life
-- U.S. presidential campaign in 2008 in which the Internet changed every facet of the way campaigns are run
-- Iranian election protests in 2009 when Twitter proved vital in organizing demonstrations and as a protest too
This is what a bad idea looks like.

Not terribly thought provoking but give me a break.
McDonald's Changes European Logo from Red to Green

Neat and a metaphor. Two in one!

Now, This is a good Cell Phone ad.
Article: "Creator of Palm Pre commercials puts pipe down long enough to defend his work."
Gary Koepke is the co-founder of Modernista, the agency behind the ads, and he recently defended his work in an interview with AdAge:
We weren’t trying to creep people out, but one thing I have learned now in this digital age is people can be as rude as they want as long as they don’t have to look you in the face. The Pre is probably being talked about more than other phones right now because of the marketing and advertising, and that’s a good thing. Could the ads work harder to show exactly how the phone works? Yes, but we knew it would be polarizing people to have a woman not shout at them and tell an interesting story.
It’s a very different look and feel for this sector. There’s nobody involved in an iPhone ad, and ‘Your life is on BlackBerry’ — isn’t that great? Instead of having a life? We wanted a middle ground between those two places — what about the people who want a really great smartphone?
Palm Pre Commercial - BAD
This comic brilliantly illustrates the point of my last post.
Spot the Difference - China's Censorship

Why Tumblr is better than blogspot
Opting for blogs instead of traditional websites
- Easier to update
- Part of the blogosphere (See Here:http://gizmodo.com/5251710/aziz-ansari-challenges-imax-ceo-to-debate)
- Short, frequent posts are easier to read
- Easier to read content leads to more readership.
White House Deputy CTO Andrew McLaughlin has his say.

Nevertheless, when Glenn Beck tried to call proponents of net neutrality Marxists and Communists for, interestingly, the very same "controlling content" crap this statement vaguely implies, he was a moron and a fear-monger.
Sorry, but as ridiculous as I think the telcos are for trying to defend their overly-controlling practices....it has to go both ways. They're not communists, they're not dictators. They're simply misguided, trying to take whatever shortcut they can get.