Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Objectified (1 of 15)

This is the trailer for a documentary about design and the process behind achieving good design. It is appropriately enough named for the objects themselves--Objectified. Gary Hustwit is the director. He is also the director of 'Helvetica'--a whole documentary about a typeface. (which was pretty good despite common sense)
The trailer looks good. It seems the main focus is on "clean". The shots, sounds, composition, and Helevetica font(whaddya know?) add to the minimal, clean look of the cinematography and ultimately to the message of the movie--good design. I plan to watch and this review this movie in depth in a series of 14 posts. I've seen bits and pieces online on Youtube and so far from what I can gather it seems to be right up the alley of this class. If I can procure a copy, I will post it on my blog for referential sake but I will be as descriptive as possible during each of my segment reviews.